
Tomas Bouda blogging about .NET stuff and more

Quick Tip: Side by side diff in SourceTree

About I don’t find inline diff very intuitive, so I was wondering if there is a side-by-side diff feature in SourceTree. Unfortunately, there is no built-in solution. The only way to view changes side-by-side is to use an external diff tool. Solution I’ve choose P4Merge as external diff, because it’s free and it looks nice.... » read more

Quick Tip: Upgrade your Taranis

About Recently I posted on instagram photo of my modded Frsky Taranis X9D and I thought I should share the parts list so anyone could build that. Parts you need Taranis X9D Plus Shell M9 Gimbal Gimbal Thumb Knob Speaker Stand Neck Strap Balancer Color Nuts Black Switch Cap Colored Switch Cap Screen protection foil

OctoPrint – Display setup

Install OctoPrint https://octoprint.org/download/ Update all packages SSH into Pi and run: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Download and install display driver(more info here) Run: [crayon-66a4adf289d28877541143/] Edit 99-calibration.conf To open 99-calibration.conf run: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf Apend following lines [crayon-66a4adf289d2d114054816/] Press CTRL + O to save and CTRL + X to exit. Install TouchUI Access OctoPrint... » read more

Usefull Links – Drones

What is this for? In this post I\’m going to store all links related to drones. Manuals Learn To Build A Racing Drone Frame Frog frame FC HolybroKakuteF4V2Manual_v1.1 VTX ImmersionRC Tramp HV overview and setup TrampHV Instruction Manual, EU Version Cam RunCam manuals Receiver FrskyFirmware Flashing FrSky XM+ GPS GPS BN-220 manual Antennas The complete... » read more

Extending Azure Build Pipeline with PowerShell

The goal Goal of this post is to add powershell script task into Azure build pipeline, that will test or check custom conditions on your code base every time pull request is made. If those conditions are not met, script will let you know via comment on pull request, then will set build process as... » read more

Create global gitignore

Recently I\’ve installed Visual Studio extension – Favorite Documents. I\’m working daily with big solution, where I often need to run certain T4 templates and that it\’s just pain… So I tought I should give it a go. What I noticed, is that the extension creates file in solution directory named $(SolutionName).favdoc where it stores... » read more