
Tomas Bouda blogging about .NET stuff and more

Github last commit badge
Github last commit badge

Intro When browsing GitHub repositories, one key piece of information I often seek is the date of the last commit. This detail helps me gauge how active and well-maintained a repository is. Recently, I decided to address this need by creating my first Chrome extension. Solution To achieve this, I utilized Shields.io, which offers a... » read more

Github Copilot in Windows Terminal
Github Copilot in Windows Terminal

Intro Github Copilot is an awesome tool, that I use in JetBrains Rider and VS Code and recently I found out, that Copilot can be used in CLI aswell. Let me show you how to set it up. Installation Install github cli This depends on what packaging software you use. For full list of choices... » read more

Switching to PowerShel 5.1 in Visual Studio Code
Switching to PowerShel 5.1 in Visual Studio Code

Switching to PowerShel 5.1 in Visual Studio Code In previsou versions of VS Code, there used to be button for switching PS version, but for whatever reason, they removed it. In order to switch PS Version in current version of VS Code, you need to press CTRL+SHIFT+P, then type in session menu and select PowerShell:... » read more

Windows Terminal – pasting multiline string
Windows Terminal – pasting multiline string

Intro When trying to paste multilne text in Windows Terminal, you might get following warning message When you hit Paste anyway, terminal will accually execute your clipboard content line by line, and that won’t produce what we want in most cases. Solution The solution is really simple. Open up the settings and in bottom left... » read more

Rider – Server is not specified
Rider – Server is not specified

Problem I use JetBrains Rider as my primary IDE for developing applications. Currently, I’m working on an application that I plan to deploy using Docker. However, I encountered a small issue when attempting to run the Dockerfile in Rider. The IDE displayed the following error message: "Error running ‘MyProject’ – Server is not specified." Solution... » read more

Testing SignalR connection persistency
Testing SignalR connection persistency

Introduction As a developer, testing network conditions and connection persistence can be a challenge. Sometimes, network transportation isn’t always reliable, and it’s not easy to simulate a poor network connection during testing. Fortunately, I recently discovered clumsy, a tool that made it easy for me to test my SignalR connection persistence in a C# project.... » read more

Using Azure DevOps private nuget feed
Using Azure DevOps private nuget feed

Intro I decided to write this post for anyone struggling to setup and use private nuget feed from Azure DevOps, because in my opinion the microsoft documentation is little bit confusing in this case. Prerequisities nuget – https://www.nuget.org/downloads Creating nuget feed Creating new feed is straigt forward. Open Azure DevOps, and select Artifacts in side... » read more

Editor inside PowerShell/Windows Terminal
Editor inside PowerShell/Windows Terminal

Intro So I was looking for some lightweight editor as alternative to VS Code, because I often need to quickly edit text files right from Windows Terminal. Luckily I knew nano from linux and in this post I’ll show you how to use it in Windows Terminal. Editing inside Windows Terminal In order to use... » read more

vstest.console troubleshooting
vstest.console troubleshooting

Intro In previous post I’ve shown you how to fix VSTest task in Azure DevOps. This post is follow up where I share with you how to overcome problems you might face while running vstest.console.exe. Getting the vstest.console You have to download nuget package https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/ which contains vstest.console.exe under \tools\net451\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform. Here is a short vstest.console... » read more

Azure pipelines – Agent’s missing capability
Azure pipelines – Agent’s missing capability

Intro Today I would like to share with you how to fix following error occured while running Azure pipelines agent: [crayon-670eed3f72247858329524/] I was obviously trying to run some test on that machine using VSTest task, but vstest.console.exe nor Visual Studio was installed there. Fixing To fix our problem we need to somehow get vstest.console.exe on... » read more