Windows Terminal – pasting multiline string
Windows Terminal – pasting multiline string

Intro When trying to paste multilne text in Windows Terminal, you might get following warning message When you hit Paste anyway, terminal will accually execute your clipboard content line by line, and that won’t produce what we want in most cases. Solution The solution is really simple. Open up the settings and in bottom left... » read more

Editor inside PowerShell/Windows Terminal
Editor inside PowerShell/Windows Terminal

Intro So I was looking for some lightweight editor as alternative to VS Code, because I often need to quickly edit text files right from Windows Terminal. Luckily I knew nano from linux and in this post I’ll show you how to use it in Windows Terminal. Editing inside Windows Terminal In order to use... » read more

Quick Tip: Opening Total Commander from terminal
Quick Tip: Opening Total Commander from terminal

Intro Total Commander provides commandline interface, so in order to open desired folder in Total Commander from Powershell or Windows Terminal you need to run: [crayon-66a4669f278f8713674198/] But who wants to write that long stuff all over again. Solution Solution is, as usual, very simple. You have to add function, to your powershell profile. Keep in... » read more