Github Copilot in Windows Terminal
Github Copilot in Windows Terminal

Intro Github Copilot is an awesome tool, that I use in JetBrains Rider and VS Code and recently I found out, that Copilot can be used in CLI aswell. Let me show you how to set it up. Installation Install github cli This depends on what packaging software you use. For full list of choices... » read more

Switching to PowerShel 5.1 in Visual Studio Code
Switching to PowerShel 5.1 in Visual Studio Code

Switching to PowerShel 5.1 in Visual Studio Code In previsou versions of VS Code, there used to be button for switching PS version, but for whatever reason, they removed it. In order to switch PS Version in current version of VS Code, you need to press CTRL+SHIFT+P, then type in session menu and select PowerShell:... » read more

Editor inside PowerShell/Windows Terminal
Editor inside PowerShell/Windows Terminal

Intro So I was looking for some lightweight editor as alternative to VS Code, because I often need to quickly edit text files right from Windows Terminal. Luckily I knew nano from linux and in this post I’ll show you how to use it in Windows Terminal. Editing inside Windows Terminal In order to use... » read more

Updating Seq in docker
Updating Seq in docker

Intro Today I want to share quick manual on how to update Seq instance running in doker, to the latest version. What is Seq For those who don’t know, Seq is great server app for collecting log messages. It works well with Serilog which is excelent logging framework from same author. Using these two tools... » read more

Quick Tip: Opening Total Commander from terminal
Quick Tip: Opening Total Commander from terminal

Intro Total Commander provides commandline interface, so in order to open desired folder in Total Commander from Powershell or Windows Terminal you need to run: [crayon-67ea714438840588598096/] But who wants to write that long stuff all over again. Solution Solution is, as usual, very simple. You have to add function, to your powershell profile. Keep in... » read more

Extending Azure Build Pipeline with PowerShell

The goal Goal of this post is to add powershell script task into Azure build pipeline, that will test or check custom conditions on your code base every time pull request is made. If those conditions are not met, script will let you know via comment on pull request, then will set build process as... » read more