Github last commit badge
Github last commit badge

Intro When browsing GitHub repositories, one key piece of information I often seek is the date of the last commit. This detail helps me gauge how active and well-maintained a repository is. Recently, I decided to address this need by creating my first Chrome extension. Solution To achieve this, I utilized, which offers a... » read more

Protecting email address
Protecting email address

Introduction Sharing email address as a plain text is not the best idea as it can be parsed by web crawlers. Unfortunately our email inboxes get bombarded with spam every day, often because we share our email address on so many places. So why would I make it easier for spamers. I will show you... » read more

Stop GIFs on

Intro I’m using mainly to chat with my friends, I like sending gifs, it’s fun, but when those gifs keep playing over and over again it’s very distracting and annoying. Ofcourse, one solution to that is to close whole tab or just remove the gif, but these solutions were not ideal for me. I... » read more