Github last commit badge
Github last commit badge

Intro When browsing GitHub repositories, one key piece of information I often seek is the date of the last commit. This detail helps me gauge how active and well-maintained a repository is. Recently, I decided to address this need by creating my first Chrome extension. Solution To achieve this, I utilized, which offers a... » read more

Github Copilot in Windows Terminal
Github Copilot in Windows Terminal

Intro Github Copilot is an awesome tool, that I use in JetBrains Rider and VS Code and recently I found out, that Copilot can be used in CLI aswell. Let me show you how to set it up. Installation Install github cli This depends on what packaging software you use. For full list of choices... » read more

Collapsable menu for GitHub wiki
Collapsable menu for GitHub wiki

Intro If you ever wanted nice looking collapsible side menu on github wiki pages like this: then keep reading 😉 Solution Solution is very simple, you need to use <details> and <summary> tags. See snipped bellow: [crayon-66a4b9c22e67d902794283/] You can see it in action in PoShLog wiki –

Azure Pipeline for private repository in organization
Azure Pipeline for private repository in organization

About If you need to setup Azure Devops Pipeline for private repository that is under organization then keep reading… How to I had lot of trouble setting up that pipeline, I tryed to setup different Service connections, GitHub connections, but no luck. Azure devops seemed that it’s missing some access rights to see my private... » read more